Tavernas near to Neapoli
Situated in the village of Voulismeni - around 1.5 Km
from Neapoli.
Situated in the village of Nikithianos - around 2 Km
from Neapoli.
Situated in the village of Latsida - around 2.5 Km
from Neapoli.
Situated in the village of Choumeriákou - around 3
Km from Neapoli.
Situated in the village of Limnes - around 4 Km
from Neapoli.
Situated in the village of Limnes - around 4 Km
from Neapoli.
Situated in the village of Limnes - around 4 Km
from Neapoli.
Neapoli is surrounded by beautiful countryside and has many small
villages nearby. Be brave and explore the surrounding areas - you
never what you will find….
Here is a small sample of nearby tavernas and all offer traditional
Cretan food, locally priced and very easy to get to by car or taxi.
Enjoy your holiday……